白蘭花潤手霜工作坊 Hand Cream Workshop
Sat, 16 Dec
|The Hideaway Cafe

Time & Location
16 Dec 2023, 13:00 – 15:00 GMT
The Hideaway Cafe, Allen House Pavilion, Guildford GU1 4AZ, UK
About the event
白蘭花潤手霜工作坊 Magnolia Hand Cream Workshop Workshop🎄
Smell is a part of memories, and Magnolia is indispensable when it comes to the smell of Hong Kong!🌸 Since Christmas is coming again in the blink of an eye, GHK will hold a handicraft class to teach everyone how to make magnolia hand cream, and let everyone have a warm and fragrant winter together!❄️
日期 Date: 2023 / 12 / 16 (星期六 Saturday)
時間 Time:1:00-3:00 pm
地點 Venue:The Hideaway Cafe
費用 Fee:免費 Free(需活動前先繳交留位費£5 Reservation Fee)
工作坊上限為 20 人,先到先得。
The workshop is limited to 20 units, first come first served.
You will receive an email regarding paying the fee once your enrollment is completed on Eventbrite.
🫵We look forward to your participation!