街坊茶敘 Launch Tea Gathering
Sat, 08 Jul
|Guildford Baptist Church

Time & Location
08 Jul 2023, 15:30 – 16:30 BST
Guildford Baptist Church, Baptist Church, Millmead, Guildford GU2 4BE, UK
About the event
想知道Guildford Hongkongers 究竟係做啲咩?唔清楚係點樣運作?佢地嘅資助到底係咩? 剛剛到Guildford希望認識更多街坊朋友嗎? 嚟參加我哋今個星期六嘅街坊茶敘啦! 活動期間,我哋會同大家分享Guildford HongKongers未來嘅動向同埋即將舉行嘅活動。 日期:7月8日(星期六) 時間:下午3:30-4:30 地點:Guildford Baptist Church, GU2 4BE 費用:免費(報名包括小食同茶水) 呢個係一個絕佳機會,我哋一齊聚會,識新朋友,同埋傾下我哋即將舉行嘅活動。無論你係已經參加過我哋嘅活動,定係剛剛加入,都好歡迎你嘅參與! 活動名額有限,請儘早報名。報名請使用留言中的網址。如有查詢,請電郵至guildfordhongkongers@gmail.com 星期六見! Curious about what Guildford Hongkongers are all about? Wondering what it means to be funded? Just arrived and eager to meet more friends? Join us this Saturday for a Tea Gathering! During the event, we will share updates on the future plans of Guildford HongKongers and discuss upcoming activities. Date: 8th July (Saturday) Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Location: Guildford Baptist Church, GU2 4BE Cost: Free (Registration includes refreshments and tea) This is a wonderful opportunity to come together, make new friends, and discuss our upcoming events. Whether you have previously participated in our activities or are new to the community, your presence is warmly welcomed! Limited spots are available, so please register early. For more information and registration, please follow the link in the comments or email us at guildfordhongkongers@gmail.com See you on Saturday!