Time & Location
24 Jan 2024, 20:30 – 21:30 GMT
Google Meet
About the event
UKHK 迎新課程 UKHK Welcome Course
大家仲記唔記得初初嚟到英國嘅感覺呢?Guildford Hongkongs將舉辦網上迎新課程,歡迎各位啱啱嚟到英國嘅新朋友參加。課程會透過影片講解不同英國文化,參加者可以一齊討論課程內容同埋喺英國生活嘅經歷,仲可以認識新朋友添!
Do you still remember the feeling when first arriving in the UK? GHK is organising an online welcome course to welcome all new arrivals from Hong Kong and help them to settle down in the UK. The course will explain different British cultures through videos and discussions on various topics each week, allowing participants to share their life experiences and tips about living in the UK. We hope you can make new friends as well!
This course is open to everyone! We believe everyone has gone through different stages of the immigration process and your life experiences are worth sharing and learning from. So don’t be shy to join us even if you don’t feel new to the UK anymore or just want to practice your English speaking skills.
日期 Date:3rd January 2024 - 7th February 2024(逢星期三 Every Wednesday)
時間 Time:8:30 - 9:30 PM
語言 Language:英文/廣東話 English/Cantonese
費用 Fee:免費 Free
Seats are limited, so register as soon as possible if you are interested!